Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Reverse Speed

By logen9f | Crypto and play2earn | 29 Jul 2024

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Hello Splinterlands Summoners and welcome to another edition of Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge. For this week, the ruleset we have is Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.

The Ruleset


Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.
Lost: Legendaries: Legendary Monsters may not be used in battles.
Available Splinters: Fire and Dragon
Max Mana: 29

My Team

The ruleset and available splinters do not give much of a choice. With available Dragon summoners like Helios Matriarch (gives +1) speed and Quix (slows the opponent) not optimal to the Reverse speed ruleset, I have to choose Fire.


Tarsa as summoner. She is a good summoner giving two buffs to the team, melee attack and health. The Fire team also has some good slow units like Grum, Forgotten One and Tusk the Wide.


Disintegrator in the first position. The ideal tank would be the above I mentioned or even Legionnaire Alvar but I don't have Tusk and Forgotten One. Also, legendaries are not allowed so Grum and Alvar cannot be used too.


Radiated Brute in the second position. This unit has Reach ability so this is ideal in second position where it will deal 4 melee damage. It's speed is 3 though which is not great for the ruleset.


Uraeus in third position. It will deal 3 melee attack to the enemy backline and has the Poison ability.


Tenyii Striker in the fourth position. Another unit with Sneak attack and has 4 melee damage. He will work together with Uraeus to eliminate the enemy backline.


Firecaller in the fifth position. One of the soulbound units I frequently use in the Fire Splinter. I position it next to Tenyii Striker because it has the Martyr ability that will buff a card beside it once the Firecaller dies. This card also deals decent ranged damage.

The Opponent

As expected, my opponent also chose the Fire Splinter. Thankfully, he also doesn't have Tusk the Wide or Forgotten One in the tank position. His summoner and monsters are higher level than mine but they have more speed which is a disadvantage in this ruleset.

The Battle

My opponent has six units vs my five units only but we both used a total of 28 mana. Our damage output is also the same at 13 so the battle was decided by speed or who eliminates the other first. In this case, my units have the advantage. Also the Martyr ability of my Firecaller buffed my Tenyii Striker giving me more damage output.


Link to the battle: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_e5b262609ec1dc9d136720653507d239&ref=logen9f

Thank you for reading and have fun playing Splinterlands!

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