Exchange me stole all my assets (was it really a hack)? ALTILLY /ACPT Wallet

By DREWO | crypto and others | 18 Jan 2021

Today I am going to share with you and to my disappointment some problems that I have been having since mid-December.

That same broker in one of the last updates even listed Hive

I used Altilly for another social media platform that was there in stripes.
There were a few dollars there, on the 26th after Christmas it was there to access the platform and she was unavailable however people were already angry talking about Exit Scam


Well I was for a moment desperate went to the discord and also entered the telegram trying to understand what was going on.
The Moderator spoke of a hacker who changed the server pass.
Concluding after a few days altilly made a list of saved and unsaved coins.
In addition to promoting him to fill a file where he would say the amount he had lost.
Well after 3 weeks of this procedure and without any answers I was very angry and decided to threaten that the authorities of my country would make a complaint, because in my country encryption is authorized and regulated
Just talk about authorities that I was immediately blocked

Well, I had some proof before the system stopped working,
A gentleman from a wallet project called ACPT appeared saying that he had already said that he would send me the money back so as not to complain
I took it and said it is 55 dollars and that I would already prove to him to send me the money.
(conclusion he was also a telegram moderator and blocked me, meaning I assume that the Wallet ACPT belongs to someone belonging to ALTILLY




The purpose of this is for people to be careful if they decide to use ACPT as a Wallet as they can be stolen as I was.
When they receive threats they block you and because they are not to be trusted or even a word wallet.
Be very careful not to be without your assets.
Well that's how I lost 600 dollars of a lot of effort.

be careful with your choices to save your money because suddenly the money gets out of our ground.
For a poorly made exit scam and a false attempt to help users

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My name is Silva I was born in 1996 in Portugal. More precisely in Porto I studied Fashion design until 2016 My favorite hobbie is the livery that nature can give me, and the ability to keep a clean mind and unbroken by the confusion of the week and work

crypto and others
crypto and others


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