NEST Protocol - Most undervalued DeFi oracle protocol now listed on Huobi

By Jakonfire | Crypto and more | 8 Aug 2020

NEST Protocol - Most undervalued oracle protocol now listed on Huobi


What is NEST?

NEST protocol is a distributed price oracle network
that solves the problem of price on-chain through a decentralized incentive scheme.
It works with quote mining (incentive), verification cycle, price chain, beta coefficient.
The goal is to provide a decentralized price data solution which is accurate, fast, and attack resistant

The reported Circulating Supply is 1.588.830.000 NEST and the total supply will be NEST.


The current value is $ 0.063129, which is slightly corrected after the Huobi listing.


Why its undervalued?

What I need to critzie is that there isnt a real roadmap und you cant comprehend whioh steps are currently in work.
But the idea itself is very creative and will in my opinion have many application scenarios once successfully achieved.
Also the market cap is "only" $23.361.194 which is a tenth of Band Protocol (BAND) or 0,16% of Chainlink (LINK).

Anyway. Feel free to comment your opinion or of course ask questions.
This is not financial advice. Please do your own research.

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