Future of the Market

Coins with extremely low market cap to have on your radar.

Pretty much every crypto token no matter what blockchain they are on is hitting new lows for this year, but if you pay attention to what a crypto token is for, and the amount of people interested in it, plus the Market Cap being below 10Million is ideal to consider jumping in and grabbing these lows and I can name a few to get you started on the right track. Barn bridge aka Bond is currently under 8Million Market Cap and has recently fell more then 30%, which is why I stocked up and bought right at 1000 Bonds, I'm currently monitoring the market and if it continues to fall to key Ideal levels for new investors to start pouring in, I'll rack up on another 1000-2000 bonds. Ape coin has recently fell into the .60's and I believe we want be able to catch these prices for atleast another 8-15 months, maybe a little less or more, but if history repeats itself, prepare for more drops. The bottom is not far away and some coins have already started to rebound good and maintain key support levels. Always DYOR when thinking about investing in a new unfamiliar coin.

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