KOGS on WAX 1st Edition sale is over!

By Mozzie | Crypto Aficionado | 19 Aug 2020

Milk caps, is a game that was popular among children during the early-mid 1990s.

The brand name "Pog" is owned by the World Pog Federation. The name pog originates from POG, a brand of juice made from passionfruit, orange, and guava; the use of POG bottle caps to play the game preceded the game's commercialization.

Enough of the history lesson


Inspired by the 90’s global phenomenon POGs, KOGs, or Keys to Other Games is a series of collectible NFTs that can be used across a number of different games.

What exactly are KOGs? KOGs are digital NFT discs that look similar to a poker chip with awesome images printed on both sides (making them extremely collectible). To play KOGs, you will also need a slammer. The slammer is a heavier game piece, used to whack stacks of KOGs of WAX and they generally have metal edges.

Sadly, it’s only possible to buy KOGs from secondary markets now that the 1st edition sale is over. This is the first purchasable and tradable set of KOGs from KOGs on WAX. Right now the game itself is in testing and these KOGs will be compatible with this and all future game titles released by RFOX Games a subsidiary of RedFOX Labs.

There are currently 8 sets to collect 80’s - 90’s - Countries - Cyberpunk - Crypto - Space Military - Staff Picks and 8-Bit. There are micro sets (sets within sets) and border and color sets too. Collect them all, then collect the slammers before you head to the battle arena.


Right now one of the rarest KOGS to come out of the 1st edition sale is the Satoshi Nakamoto 1st Edition Slammer - Ultra Rare - Foil - 1 of 1 Minted
As you can see by the 5500000.00 WAX or ($287,650.00) price tag this seller is shooting for the moon and hoping a whale of a NFT collector comes along.


It will be interesting to see how the secondary market shakes up to be since no one really knows the value of these NFT's beyond the KOGs on WAX game itself which we don't really have a lot to go on and collecting. They key to value holding up is seeing just how these are "Keys to Other Games"
Since they're a blockchain-base collectible for use across their entire gaming ecosystem and will be usable with several upcoming games on their platform.


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