How to meditate

By ADHDAVID | Creation and Meditation | 7 May 2019

So far I've written in vague terms about meditation but that's about to change now. Again, I would like to emphasize that these texts are not for everyone.

Most people have forgotten what it's like to feel great. This is hard to hear, I know, but I just want to be honest, and make you think about the desire that is always there and that is, to feel a lot happier every day.

Look at young children who are, if possible, happy and are looking forward to every new day. They play with others.
That's the feeling I have every day. The feeling of being in the mood for the fun things that are going to happen today.

Meditation is done to reset, every day again, preferably in the morning when your mind is still calm. You literally stop thinking, which increases your vibration.

As soon as I am awake in the morning I sit down. I set up a guided meditation or I focus on a monotonous sound in my immediate surroundings, I do this for 20 minutes.

I sit down and listen to tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, and I just try to hear the tick, tick, tick. My mind starts thinking about the day immediately and so I am not meditating, so back to tick, tick, tick.

I hear tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, and I think how long have I been meditating now? So I'm not meditating, back to tick, tick, tick, tick.

This is going to happen a lot in the beginning and maybe you'll spend the whole 15 or 20 minutes thinking and projecting images of your daily life.
This is very normal because your mind is made to be active and what we try to do with meditation is to stop the attraction of thoughts. It's actually a bit like playing around with nature. So when you start meditating, it's quite normal for your thoughts to fly in all directions.

If you didn't succeed in meditating, just start living your day and try again the next day. Sit down again with the intention that you will stop thinking for 15 minutes to reset. That is your only goal here. Take another constant sound and focus on it. Your thoughts will start walking again, but as soon as you realize that, you say to yourself, "This is normal, but I want to stop thinking for a moment now". Don't get angry if you don't succeed at first.
Every time you focus back to that sound as soon as you become aware that you are thinking again.

I promise you that this will happen, you will think a lot! But that's not what we want when we meditate. But through all that thinking we forget that we still have access to those feelings that we knew when we were children. Acces to our inner-being.
Curious, enthusiastic, in the mood for the day, lots of laughing, playing, friends and that's just a few of the things that most people have forgotten. I had forgotten until I was 35 years old and now I remember.

Keep trying and after the 2nd or 3rd day that you meditate, at the end of the meditation session, you will reach the state of meditation. You have stopped thinking and you only hear that monotonous sound that you find very interesting at that moment. You keep focusing on that wonderful sound and you are and you breath. And then your 15 or 20 minutes are over and you start the day. Notice how your day is and how you feel, this will be very different from what you are used to, much better!

Do this every day, those 15 or so minutes of resetting, stop thoughts, and start feeling good before the day starts. It will also go better every day and you get into meditation faster and faster, time flies!

Here I want to stop for now but there is more to come.

If you have any questions about mediation, please ask them at the bottom of this blog post, I will answer. You can also contact me through discord.

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Abraham Hicks 15 minute well-being guided meditatie on youtube

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I have a wide-ranging interest so, I am a Poker player, gambler, pool player, Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction, people person, in love with life, Meditation every day, Crypto en blockchain enthusiast, Blockchaingames, Live Streamer, Social Media and more.

Creation and Meditation
Creation and Meditation

How to create your own reality is the common thread in this blog. My stories are about Meditation and how the Law of Attraction works. I will share my life experiences and will try to inspire the reader in a positive way.

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