FAUCET: $80 daily WITHOUT clicking

By SwapTok.com | Creating My Own Crypto | 13 Apr 2020

Ad-Click faucets = Big Money!!!


Traditionally,  bitcoin faucets are very slow way to earn bitcoin. However, Ad-Click faucets are the latest rage!

An ad-click faucet is a new type of crypto-currency faucet that is quickly gaining popularity, for good reason:  it pays up to $1 in bitcoin per click! 

Ad-Clicking faucets are becoming even more popular than airdops, because it gives users a better experience and rewards the more active users better than airdrops.

Why are ad-click faucets going to replace traditional btc faucets?

This is likely because as old faucet owners die out and are replaced,  new faucet owners are earning much higher monetizations,  meaning the faucet can reward users a higher amount per faucet click.


Ad-Click Faucet + My Bot = Bigger Money!


Clicking ads every 30 seconds for $1 each is awesome... but still slow...  

So I went ahead and created a robot to automate it.

Now, i am giving that robot to you.

Don't worry, it's free!!  YES I MEAN FREE, NO CATCH, NO SURPRISES!!!

Did you know that not everyone on earth is greedy?  Let me prove it to you,  I want to help you.

Download the bot and read my FREE PDF GUIDE instructions here:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nOBHnpfqKDUzc4PFM8008p64S4jM61oG0Tj9eXcj7uE/edit?usp=sharing

I was going to sell it as a new income method,  but I would rather give back now that I earn enough money to be secure and comfortable.  

I share lots of secrets in my newsletter here, if you appreciate me please subscribe by email here:   http://anonymous.substack.com 




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Crypto enthusiast, coding nerd, cat lover, and libertarian.

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