Build Your Own Crypto Just Like Google

By | Creating My Own Crypto | 12 Feb 2020

In one of the most exciting pieces of news in the crypto-space at the moment is Google's announcement to join Hedera Hashgraph's node council and blockchain project.

Hedera is an enterprise blockchain platform for creating your own crypto-currency, prompting speculations that Google may be partnering with them in an effort to create their own crypto-currency.

Since the news, Hedera's price has increased over 100% as crypto followers rush to buy Hedera as fast as possible.

Google isn't the only big dog in the room signing on to Hedera's Hashgraph Council. 

Here's a list of big name companies who have recently put their stamp of approval by joining Google on Hedera's Council:

  • Boeing
  • IBM
  • TATA Telecommunications
  • Deutsche Telekom
  • FIS
  • Magalu
  • Nomura
  • Swisscom Blockchain
  • Swirlds (developer of the hashgraph algorithm)


What is Hedera?

Hedera is unique in that is achieves the same result as the most ubiquitous public blockchains (such as Bitcoin or Ethereum) but in a way that is fast, fair, energy efficient, and secure — these advantages are almost entirely due to the underlying hashgraph consensus algorithm.

Let’s unpack Hedera Hashgraph, and take a look at each component individually:

  • Hashgraph consensus
  • Hedera network services
  • Hedera Governing Council
  • 3rd party applications
  • Path to decentralization


Why Use Hedera To Create My Own Crypto?

So here is the real fun, I believe that Hedera may be a great option for creating my own crypto-currency, however i will have to do a lot more research on how it works.

I look forward to learning to program on Hedera's ledger, and with my knowledge of solidity from playing with Stellar Lumens should come in handy.

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Crypto enthusiast, coding nerd, cat lover, and libertarian.

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