Criminal Advocates Protect the Criminals

By Debesh Choudhury | Writing and Life | 22 Aug 2024

Indian citizens are fighting for justice for the R. G. Kar Medical College victim doctor's rape and murder. But Kapil Sibal defends the inaction of the West Bengal Govt and protects the criminals!

Kapil Sibal defended the Mamata Banerjee Government's inaction in investigating the crime.

Kapil Sibal is also a member of the Rajya Sabha of the Indian parliament.

According to Kapil Sibal, the victim's parents are lying, & nothing wrong has happened to the victim.

The Indian citizens are on the victim's side, and the West Bengal government and its lawyer, Kapil Sibal, are on the criminals' side!

Does Kapil Sibal's political party approve it?

How much money do you need, Kapil Sibal-Ji, for running your livelihood?


Will you raise your voice against the criminal advocate Kapil Sibal for supporting rape murders? 


<> Originally published in my LinkedIn Newsletter.



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I practice STEM—science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. I secretly add the arts, literature, music, fine art, and movies to my list of interests. So, my new interest acronym becomes Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, or STEAM.

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Debesh Choudhury

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Thursday, Aug 22, 2024

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Debesh Choudhury
Debesh Choudhury

I am an Information Security Researcher, Podcast Host & Tech Blogger.

Writing and Life
Writing and Life

I write about blogging, vlogging, and Life.

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