Win 220k Sats (Bitcoin Sats)free to join Cricket Prediction Game.

Join Cricket Pool on Stacker News and Stand a Chance to Win 220k Sats | Free to Join

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 29 Oct 2024

Hi everyone, 

I'm here to announce a Cricket Pool the hich will be based on a prediction for the game of Cricket. 

The game is live on Stacker.News from Thursday, October 31. It's free to join, there's no fees whatsoever. 

What's the Game?

This pool is simply a prediction game where Stackers will have to predict on the various outcomes related to the game of cricket. The pool commences from October 31.

What's the pool Prize? 

  • A minimum of 10k sats to the stacker who scores highest runs (points) in a month.
  • A minimum of 100k sats to the Stacker who scores highest runs (Points) in a year.
  • Apart from the above, all sats zapped (-30% for Sybil fee) will also be added to the monthly and yearly prize on a 50/50 ratio.
  • Besides all the above, any donation and rebuys in the pool will also be added to the pool on a 50/50 ratio to the monthly and yearly pool prize.

So, it will be very much bigger than what it actually is in the beginning. It may even reach to a million Sats by the end of the pool

For all other details like how to participate and play, kindly click on the announcement post below. 

Announcement: Stacker_Sports Cricket Pool


If you join in from here kindly drop in a message anywhere on by tagging @coinsreporter so that I'll help you to understand how does the game and platform works. There are so many games there by which you can even earn 1000s of Sats everyday. 

Waiting for you anxiously there on SN. 

Thank you in advance.

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Coins Reporter
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