In a world where everyone loves to be famous and rich. How come a man with so much knowledge, fame and riches chose to be annonymous? Satoshi Nakamoto is the name who now holds more than 1 million BTC worth $40 Billion roughly. Isn't he rich? Well, he should be in the list of top 30 richest people in the world. Don't ask me how famous he is. He remains the highest ranked on Strawpoll.
It's on 12 December 2010 when Satoshi chose to be away from public forever. He wrote his last public message on The message remains the final public message from the anonymous creator founder of Bitcoin. However there are traces of emails with links to Satoshi's existence even after December 12 public message, he never came back to talk publicly on any forum.
Before his last public message, evidently he had remained much active since he wrote 575 posts on the Bitcoin Talk forum. Also, all these posts came in about a year's time. Now again if Satoshi Nakamoto liked to talk or share that much, how could he entirely vanish? Yes, there are speculations that Elon Musk is Satoshi Nakamoto, but Elon denies! There are many other people who can be the Satoshi behind Bitcoin, but who knows?
On Bitcoin Talk, Satoshi’s last message was, “Added some DoS limits, removed safe mode. I’m doing a quick build of what I have so far in case it’s needed, before venturing into more complex ideas. As Gavin and I have said clearly before, the software is not at all resistant to DoS attack”.
The genius behind Bitcoin a.k.a. Satoshi Nakamoto left a clear indication that he was about to venture in more complex ideas. I highly suspect that the more complex idea that he mentioned was about 'Quantum Computing'. Also, there will be a day when a mystry man will announce that quantum chips are available to be installed in our small sized PCs and smartphones.
Anyways, Satoshi Nakamoto definitely needs a standing ovation or a grand salute for his revolutionary invention of 'How to check double spending in cryptographic currencies.' Yes, he is the inventor of Bitcoin or the first fully operational Cryptocurrency with little to no flaws. But it wouldn't be any worth if Satoshi Nakamoto didn't solve the infamous computational issue called the “Byzantine generals’ problem” or the “Byzantine Fault.”
I’ve been working on a new electronic cash system that’s fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party — The main properties: Double-spending is prevented with a peer-to-peer network. No mint or other trusted parties. Participants can be anonymous. New coins are made from Hashcash style proof-of-work. The proof-of-work for new coin generation also powers the network to prevent double-spending.
Satoshi Nakamoto on The Haloween of 2008, addressing a blockchain mailing list
So, on this day when Satoshi left us (general public), we ought to remember him as one the greatest inventors of our time and show him love and respect.
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