Top Headlines for Bitcoin Ethereum and Altcoins: 06/08/2022

Cryptobuzz Today: Top Headlines for Bitcoin Ethereum and Altcoins: 06/08/2022

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 6 Aug 2023

Hello Folks!! Welcome to Cryptobuzz Today, your one stop article to go through every bit of news that has made headlines for Bitcoin, Ethereum and major Altcoins in the last twenty four hours. Let's read.

    • Oman is close to Regulating Bitcoin and Crypto:

    • JP Morgan, one of the major Banks of US, says that they no longer anticipate a recession in the US.

  • Shiba Inu surges 3 months high: The price for 1 Shiba almost reached 0.000011 on Saturday. The meme coin is gaining momentum in anticipation of Shibarium DEX. 

  • Shiba Inu is now available as collateral on Binance: 
  • Payment Company Block Inc. made a rise of +27% in yearly profits after shifting to Bitcoin

  • Coinbase CEO says 'they aren't leaving the United States'

If you wanna watch top Headlines for crypto here's a video link




  • Stay tuned for more..........
This article pops up daily on and takes just 2 to 5 minutes to digest all of the latest news around Cryptocurrency Space. 


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Coins Reporter
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