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CriczZap Cricket Pool — 'I Predict Cricket' - Round 4 (November 24)

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 9 Nov 2024

Howdy Cricket Lovers! Welcome to the round 4 of "CriczZap Cricket Pool — I Predict Cricket" for the session 2024-25. For details about this extravaganza, kindly refer to the announcement post #742080. Let's go....

Predict the Winners

Predict for Extra Runs

  • Who will win the toss between Afghanistan vs Bangladesh?
  • Will India Score 200 runs against South Africa? Answer with Yes or No.

That's it. These are all the predictions, you need to make for now. If you have any confusion, feel free to ask. All sats zapped to this post go to the rewards pool. Best of Luck.   The Pool is still Open to Join Those who didn't make it to the round one, two and three can still join the pool in Round 4 at the loss of 2 wickets (you can only miss 2 rounds of pool monthly without being eliminated. After missing it for 3 rounds, you need to rebuy into the pool for 2000 sats)   Join me and the pool at

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Coins Reporter
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