Brave Browser will add extension features in 2020

Brave Browser will add extension features in 2020

By UjjwalAditya | CoinMantra | 29 Feb 2020



I love smartphone rather than a desktop or Laptop 💻. Because I am able to do a lot of things in a 6-inch display Smartphone and there are some applications available on play store that makes my smartphone like a laptop.


But when I need to use a particular extension then I  sift myself from smartphone to Laptop.

But there are some android browsers that offer extension aka plugin features like kiwi and Yandex browser.


But when i shift from Google chrome to Brave (a privacy respective browser) then i have started using one and only brave browser on my smartphone. You can support your favorite content creator using brave browser like


When I need to use any specific extension then i need to download other browsers in my android smartphone. 


One day I asked to BrendanEich on Twitter about extension feature in brave smartphone version


Then I got a reply from the brave team that they are working on it, and the feature might be available in 2020

I am happy to know that they are not only listening to the voice of their user but also updating their product.


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