What is Coil Crypto?

By Bloggers | Coil AMAs Summary | 9 Oct 2020

Coil is an elastic supply cryptocurrency that adjusts itself to supply and demand of the market automatically every 23 hours. It is designed to be relatively stable in price, but “coils and recoils” around $1.

While Coil is young it will be more volitale, but in the long term as it matures it will be very very stable..

When demand is high and price goes up over $1.05 (REBASE), Coil automatically adds more Coil to all wallets to help push the price back to its target of $1.

When supply is too high and price falls under $.95c (DEBASE), Coil removes supply from all wallets to stimulate more demand to drive the price back up, making less supply on the market and Coil more scarce.

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Coil AMAs Summary
Coil AMAs Summary

I collected a summary of important information (from the latest AMAs). This article will help you learn more information about Coil and how it differs from other projects. This will help you understand how Coil works as well as some of the key features. Coil already had 4 AMAs (with Blockchain Infinity, NanoNews, D’va and IDCrypto ). Many good questions were asked and answered. If you missed the AMAs live, you can read the recap from every AMA on https://medium.com/@coilcrypto to gain some deeper insights

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