
By stbrians | Churning Poetry | 16 Dec 2022

Eshibondo has strayed like a stray cat.
Humanity taken away short cut.
He, my son,chasing after youth exploits
Beer and women to him are his pastimes
He has taken to drugsjust like a fool
Inhalants, injections or fumes to drool.
My son, crime is his leisure and pastime.
Policemen are at his heels on marktime.
Eshibondo does not know the church door.
He does to the rich all his venom pour.
Eshibondo is so full of himself.
Personal care has abandoned to self.
Eshibondo, my good son, change your ways.
This tip will avoid a bullet that strays.


This sonnet is about my wayward son,  Eshibondo.  


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stbrians Verified Member

Am in the world yet am not of this world.

Churning Poetry
Churning Poetry

Poetry is the spice of the soul. A poet is an emotional person. He creates love, hate, worry etc. A poet is a mind reader. He knows your thoughts.

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