looking up from the down

Looking at the moon from a landslide

On July 22nd, I mentioned the drop that is taking place now.  This drop is not yet over.


Some people are saying it has recovered because BTC has recovered back above $50k and is trending up, but that's not going to last, because this selloff has triggered the vast majority of commercial trading bots to go into a new mode, and the more-funded, giga-bots that are run by smaller enterprises or single individuals are being reprogrammed to capitalize on "what everyone and every other bot is thinking and planning," so even if it looks like the markets are "recovering" for a day or three, or for a few more hours, they're actually just setting up for the next big plunge in value.


At some point, "big money" that has been waiting for such a drop as this will begin flooding the markets again, to capitalize on the low prices.  We can expect to see some more vocal opponents of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies suddenly start talking about its wonders and virtues and what a wonderful "store of value" it has become recently, because they are going to see their opportunity to cash in on the drops in values, and then when it goes back up again, like President Trump and Jamie Dimon, they will go from stalwart naysayers to stalwart supporters, because they got rich.

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an observer and reporter of grace and truth and love

Christian Observer Reporter
Christian Observer Reporter

Jesus Christ is Lord! This ministry is blessed by God to observe and report what is real and happening around us today, and to share God's Word among the nations, and to share the rest and contentment which comes from knowing Jesus Christ. ~ Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. 2 It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep. Psalm 127.1-2

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