StealthEX - Easy Way to Get Precious Hive in Your Account


Something cool to know

When you want to implement a strategy where you need to get a precious coin in one transaction. It is not always easy to find a reliable source where you can execute this operation in one shot. I have faced a lot of issues lately with Hive-Engine, so I need to find an alternative.

Hive-engine is a wonderful tool to take part in Hive, but not a great one for depositing your crypto on it. What happens often, your crypto does not show up and you need to fight with the support to see it appear. I am tired of losing my energy and precious time on that, so I needed to find a better alternative.

Another thing that sucks about Hive-Engine is the 1% tax on every transaction when you withdraw from the platform. At least what I like is the communities and the creation of tokens from Hive-Engine.

I discovered an outstanding tool on PeakD, my interaction interface of choice for interacting with Hive. The tool I have tried with success is StealthEX where you can exchange one crypto for another one in one transaction with no huddle along the way.


My experience with StealthEX

It is never too late for trying a new product or website if it brings value to your journey. In my case, I try StealthEx to get some Hive from one operation.

As represented in the picture, we want to exchange 0,1 ETH for Hive. It is just an example, but you can use the pair of your choice if supported by the swapping exchange.

When you are ready, click the start exchange button.


The next screen will appear there. You need to enter your recipient Hive user account name. Easy, and doesn't need to have a long string of characters.

Click next, and the operation will go through the 4 steps in the operation and those are:

  • Send to
  • Confirmation
  • Exchange
  • Finish


If everything happens as expected, you will have your Hive deposited in your account.

I use the website one time so far with no trouble. Now I plan to use the site again so I can judge on multiple tries if the trade can occur successfully again and again!

Why use StealthEX?

The only logical reason to use this website is to swap crypto in one operation. The value comes from that simple intention in mind!

Another advantage is you don't need to do the KYC (know your customer). This increases the speed when you can receive the crypto you need immediately.

It is something like buying milk in a convenience store. Do not forget, you need to wait a few minutes before getting your crypto deposited in your account.

Last word

I will stop using Hive-Engine for depositing crypto because you face the risk of not seeing them credited. It happens often, and this is a loss my valuable time.

The support does not answer fast, so you have another layer of stress!

Now I need to see and determine if StealthEX can make my life easy multiple times.

Have a wonderful and blessing day!

PS: It is my opinion. I am not a financial advisor, and always do your own research.

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