Brave iOS adds Background-play, PiP, and much more! - BRAVE BETA COMMIT UPDATE

Greetings Devs, Bloggers, and Crypto enthusiasts!

Today, I'll be briefly covering the latest update to Brave Beta for iOS in their TestFlight, version 1.31 (, With no commits for their iOS beta On their GitHub


They added PiP, or Picture-in-Picture support for sites like YouTube(as well as many other streaming platforms!), Background Play, Auto-Play, and a few other tweaks you can read about above at the TestFlight link provided.


And what else can I say? It's about time Brave finally added a feature that was so widely in-demand for users across mobile OS platforms. Additionally, I'm on iOS 14.4 and the Background play feature works sublime! 


It integrates seamlessly with AirPlay as well, especially with the Brave Playlist setting.

In conclusion, Brave added many needed features to their beta program on iOS, but let's see it make it's way to stable (hopefully).

See you in the next article!

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Dev, Gamer, Crypto-Enthusiast. Puts the "git" in "git gud". Check out my github!

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