Carnivore Jiujitero
Carnivore Jiujitero

Carnivore Jiujitero

This blog explores and details my journey through a carnivore lifestyle amid combat sports and striving to optimize human performance and mental health with a practical and statistically grounded flair.

Got Milk? The Pros and Cons of Dairy

5 Jul 2020 4 minute read 0 comments savagezen

  Within the Paleo / Keto / Carnivore circles, there’s a bit of controversy about dairy. It is an animal product (carnivore), but not a paleolithic (pre-domesticated cattle) product. Yet, many forms of dairy are very popular on ketogenic diets due t...

Strength Training for Athletes: A Simplified Guide

2 Jul 2020 1 minute read 0 comments savagezen

In this screenshare I talk about simplifying strength training for athletes. My current methods are largely based around the work of Dan John. Below are several references that i keep in my strength / conditioning log. Keep it simple. Consistency tr...

Measuring Progress in BJJ

28 Jun 2020 2 minute read 0 comments savagezen

How do you measure progress in BJJ (or any martial art for that matter)? It can be quite a nebulous task to say the least. Obviously there are belt rankings, but there can be (and often it's required by international committees) years between belt p...

Carnivore 75 Hard: Challenge Weeks 5 - 7

23 Jun 2020 5 minute read 0 comments savagezen

This review has several weeks combined because I was trying to get to the bottom of one of Robb Wolf’s favorite topics – poop! I’ll start with a discussion and leave the original notes to myself intact below. So, what did I learn in the past three w...

Do Athletes Need Drugs?

21 Jun 2020 1 minute read 3 comments savagezen

Notes and References: Recovery Matrix / Economy, Climbstrong Newsletter, June 2018 Adaptation periods for changes in physical stress (and corresponding increase in blood volume) can range from 2 - 6 weeks (r, r, r) However, this can vary depending...

What is Metabolic Health?

21 May 2020 5 minute read 0 comments savagezen

America is in a metabolic crisis as only 12% are “metabolically healthy” (r), but what does that mean? Here I’ll compare my biometrics to the proposed standards of metabolic health. First, let’s point out the obvious. Metabolic un-health, or metaboli...

Carnivore Diet: Recovery and Performance, Part 3

14 May 2020 1 minute read 2 comments savagezen

Previously I’ve looked at correlations regarding performance and recovery. In this last section I will check for covariance of potentially confounded relationships as well as recap previous posts in this series. ANOVA Results: Var 1 Var 2 Var 3 p IGF...

Carnivore Diet: Recovery and Performance, Part 2

14 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments savagezen

I specifically wanted to look at caffeine / performance and cold / recovery so, before we move on let’s see what those relationships looked like: Var 1 Var 2 p r Cold.Time RHR 0.4925 +0.13 Cold.Time AWQ 0.277 +0.20 Caff.Dose Kb.Load 0.8278...

Carnivore Diet: Recovery and Performance, Part 1

14 May 2020 3 minute read 5 comments savagezen

Finally, the data are in! As a reminder, you can see the raw data on GitHub. Let’s jump right into it and see what kind of correlations we find: This is a plot of correlations with significance (p) < 0.05. However, that’s only 95% confidence and 5%...

Blood Sugar, Ketones, and Electrolytes

13 May 2020 3 minute read 2 comments savagezen

First we looked at caffeine and performance, then cold showers and recovery. There were some other things that came to my attention throughout the trial period that I wanted to look deeper at. These included the relationship between Fat:Protein ratio...