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Don't Be A Blind, Do Your Own Research

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Yes this is necessary before you take the finale decision of investment. Scammers are spreading traps all around us and without research investment is like throwing stone to the dark. Why I talk about scammers? Because many of them bring to you amazing investment plan and sometimes they successfully make you a fool and this only became possible because you depend on a research of other's blindly.

Trustworthy offers, business deals and investment plan also available but most of them are not free. So I always prefer seeing people invest time on research before they invest. This is not only about crypto but also about all kind of financial field. Market research before investment is wise and try to do it with a group and give the priority to the majority which means the maximum research result can be the right one.

Well group research could be more reliable than the individual research but still make your own group with experts already showed good performance in research field. Consulting expert group is better than consulting individual expert. Mass research had less chance of wrong research. Give your decision the priority over everything because you going to invest your asset so you have to be strong on making decision.

Invest fifty percent of your asset even you have a master plan and wise research, try not to invest your whole asset and when you make profit from the investment, invest the profit and the fifty percent you invested as capital. This is my personal investment plan not a financial advice so do your own research and invest as much you can afford to lose or hold for a long time.

There are many business individuals commit suicide for losing their whole asset because they get overwhelmed and wanted to grab more profit in a single shot of investment, but there is no shortcut of success and patience is the key. We should start with ten percent investment when we are a beginner. This way we can invest 8-9 times more and every time we are not going to lose, we can make profit if we make a research, if the research fail accidentally, try again with a small amount of capital from you whole asset.

Don't try to grab more profit at once which is risky but if you can afford the risk then go for it. But I still suggest my friends to invest as much they afford to hold for long time, we all need money in our life so we shouldn’t take high risk that can cause a heart attack or force us to commit suicide. Life is precious than everything else in this world so we should take care of our life. Take risk when the risk is not going to make us breathless. So do your own research each time.

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