Receive a small dose of potassium in MonkeyTalks (BANANO) every day

By BtcSapiens | btcsapiens | 6 Jun 2019


We are in luck! Last month I wrote an article about Monkeytalks, a small chat and faucet where you can get bananos, anyone who has a BAN wallet can request their bananos once a day, currently a daily distribution of 14 BAN is made per user, although I do not know if in a future will change the number of coins distributed.


Easier impossible, access and in the "faucet" section you will find a box that will allow you to enter your ban_adress, once you enter your wallet or purse, complete the captcha and click on the button where you can read "Send Me Some Bananos" and you will receive your coins within a few minutes. 

You can also send a message through your chat, where you can now add some emoticons.


Below I leave a proof of payment where we have received 14.3 BAN, at the bottom (transactions received) you can see the amount Thanks MonkeyTalks! Remember that the quantities can change, depending on the price, in this case, this bananos were obtained about a month ago.


Did you like the article? You can support us with BAN, thanks!


NOTE: This post is a translated adaptation of my post in Spanish "Recibe una pequeña dosis de potasio en MonkeyTalks todos los días"


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