Bounty0x Tutorial: Decentralized Rewards Platform (Part 1)

By BtcSapiens | btcsapiens | 16 May 2019

Bounty0x is a decentralized platform where new companies and brands (host) offer rewards to users of the platform (hunters), all of them supervised by other types of users (sheriffs) through different cryptocurrencies according to the task.

Bounty Hosts (hosts, startups and brands)

They are the companies that distribute the rewards to hunters to promote their brand or product.

Bounty hunters (bounty hunters)

We are the users who perform the small tasks in exchange for the rewards.

Bounty Sheriffs (verifiers)

They are the users who decide to participate in the support of the platform and verify their own tasks or the support for a change of rewards.

How to participate in Bounty0x?

By registering on your website, you can decide if it is a host (brand you want to promote) hunter (user who wants to earn rewards) or sheriff (advanced user who wants to earn more rewards). In the latter case, the ideal is to start being a hunter and then spend a sheriff when we have more facility to use the platform.

Click here to register on Bounty0x

How works the Bounty0x platform?

Bounty0x is different from other web pages of mini-jobs, we will see all the tabs that we can find in the control panel and what is each of them:

Search rewards: is the section where "hunters" or hunters can find the rewards. Unlike other websites, in Bounty0x the rewards are released once there are enough hunters who have completed.

Let's see an example:

A brand offers 100,000 dogecoins to the first 100 hunters (1,000 dogecoins each) who register on their twitter. When the task is completed, in this case, 100 hunters registered on Twitter begin the review process. The rewards are given to the hunters, in this case 1000 dogecoin each.

Bounty Hosts:

Here you can see all the brands that participate in Bounty0x


Section to contact support and answer questions.

My profile:

This is your profile of Bounty0x, here you can modify the name, alias, email and address of the portfolio.


NOTE: This is an adapted translation of my post in spanish "Tutorial de Bounty0x: Plataforma de recompensas descentralizadas"


I hope the article has been useful, we will soon upload the second part of the tutorial, thanks for reading! Feel you free to comment this post, you can also visit

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