AI FLOP n SOP Coming: Crypto Monetization to the Rescue?

"Ignoring all the work that gets done "Under the Hood" to make any of this  AI and Agentic AI possible,  

Sure Agentic AI Frameworks will take over the world,  

But only if those in power even were partly successfully in killing off the 'empathy' gene in 50% of the current  Gen Z generation, who will task themselves without empathy to build this AI Agentic Framework world of conveniences through faster Voice assisted inputs.  

Without first having thought of how to monetize the whole AI Agentic Framework.  

Just because it can be done, does not mean it's ready for prime time.  

So the Tsunami of Money caused  initially by Whale investors 'flapping their BIG tails' on the surface of the AI Market opportunity  washing much dollars over Gen Z, will like any good wave crashing the beach, see that wave of money recede slower than it arrived, as (semi-smart) BIG Whale investors  (after the FLOP)  start to wake up to the lack of 'impending no return gloom', and likely say:  


"WTF! I don't see any return coming our way in the next five years from this Agentic AI business I just funded, there are thousands of them competing selling the same 'value add' with little or no differentiation. Based on the current  'returns' model these types have dreamed up, I say  "F that', I (and my other Whale buddies) so I am turning off the money spigot and let's rejig this CURRENTLY CRAP investment so the whole effort is properly monetized. Most of you are fired and the rest of you who actually do 'work under the hood' get to keep your jobs as we paste some of you together to actually get this AI Agentic Framework market segment reorganized to finally start to automatically generate a decent return after all these early BIG  losses".  


Oh 'to be a fly on the wall',


listening to these Biggest of Whales realize they just fomented the biggest Market FLOP of our times, in 12 to 18 months.   Rich. :)    


For the Agentic AI Framework Cheerleader Startups: THE FUTURE IS BLIGHT (of the AI variety)  

The consensus 2035 future view projected  of 'Agentic AI Frameworks  taking over the world',  is likely accurate for part of the outcome. (maybe 25%)   which will likely imo  return a BIG WIN,  really only serving a very elite , 1% slice of  investor 'humanity', Those BIG Whales currently promoting such views through their GenZ powered startups, but only if, and here is the catch, their version of their Agentic AI Framework business's future is  properly 'automagically'  monetized.  

So how will one successfully automate the monetization of their AI Agentic Framework offer in a very crowded Market segment, when every "Tom, Dick and Harry' claims to be able to hook up their framework to the cloud LLMs and make any  business 'tick better' and become rich?  

The other part of that AI Agentic Framework powered futurescape no one is talking about is,  the rest of us will be left to toil in a 'mixed tech' economy that will likely prevail  and wane somewhat for the next 10 years (75%) . (Mainly because there wont be enough cheap power to run all the Agentic AI LLMs surfacing everywhere to power these AI Agentic Frameworks, bent on becoming like the "Cisco sales people or yore, darkening the skies like crows above a ripe corn field(new market opportunity)".  


What is next for the Gen Z powered  AI Agentic Framework markets segment, will be imo,


the BIGGEST  AI market growth FLOP of all time

Bigger than the Dot com bust (Which I actually lived and limped through as a startup)


followed by the mechanical, 'biz as usual' VC  SOP up consolidation of what's left.

I'd give that GenZ powered AI Agentic Market Segment FLOP twelve to 18 months to peak, 


and then the VCs will get to work with the SOP up 'rationalization' of this emerging market, likely for the next 5 years to sort that out, starting in late  2025. (Because it's really hard to build multi-dimensional, differentiated matching of Agentic Service price offers to millions of AI Agent users @ scale)


It will be confusing for those Gen Zs jumping 'willy, nilly' into this space, and it will see most of them,

(without a proper monetization model that generates signs of areal investor return)


scratching their heads 12-18 months from now saying "WTF happened".


Ok enough of my 'dark' insights (spoken from years of experience)








"Under the hood" of the Agentic AI Framework, there is this basic automated settlement requirement that will require the use of a Smart Contract per agent, tailored  and matched at time of buy/sell settlement, which itself will require a best fit match engine advice capability.

Ok, how does that all work @scale?

Not easily.  The first item here is to lock into the right talent that understands this part of the "Under the hood" tech lurking in many places inside the cryptosphere.

Then one needs to find the right  Match Advice and Settlement tech that will work at scale, when their are millions of AI agents screeching daily to do so.

Multi-Dimensional Settlement is a rare bird these days, with much of that logic tied up in more complex, recursive Smart Contract logic, which requires 2X to 10X more Compute Cycles  depending on the number of parameters that need to be considered, compared to the variable price offer made by those Agents to humans and or humans and their personalized agents.

Longtime readers of TKO will indeed start to see, this is not an easy set of complex settlement capabilities to figure out, compared to some of the simplex Smart Contracts we see out there today operating on just three parameters like most stock markets. 

One will likely need to employ performant Smart Contracts written in say #SWAY running on turbocharged Virtual Machines like the companion #FUEL VM virtual machine 'FVM', which itself would need to be (given it's  Fuel Labs modular design) bolted on to a performant Layer 2 Side chain doing roll-ups to post to a REALLY BIG liquidity pool like #ETH Layer One Blockchain via a fast ERC-20 Token running on #Arbitrum, or one could also bolt the  same  Sway Language SC/FVM to the SOL Layer 1 chain of high speed, in order settlement fame.

Anyway food for thought, BUT only after the Agentic AI Framework Startup has first figured out to differentiate their AI Agentic offer to their customer in a sustainable  return form, to keep those BIG Whale tails flapping money their way. (Hint- that differentiation will require the use of a real time,  hard deterministic  Match Engine which supports multiple dimensions beyond just three)


So it is, after all,   


Crypto to the Rescue of the AI Agentic Framework Startup Market Segment, 


IF such AI Agentic Framework Startups  care to even consider reading this post. ;)


In the mean time,


the rest of us will plan how to grow a garden this spring, pet our pets,

go out for a brisk walk on this Sunny day and,

enjoy the lack of chem trails for a few days,

while the World Wide Globalist Deep State regroups, after fretting the past few days away,

worrying about their future under the 47th. (and worried they should be..)   ;)


TK over and out.





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Thunderbolt Kid Observations Report: I educate, offer tips, forecasts re: tech & people drivers "under the hood" in the cryptosphere. Digital Interstate IBCs, Autonomi Fan TKO Fans can also send SOL to my Solcial Wallet here 5cfZuDrQj4ojWs9uorwig7jAX93

Breaking the Small Wind Mold- Darwind5 Circa 2012
Breaking the Small Wind Mold- Darwind5 Circa 2012

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