Discussing the ethics of data: from privacy to transparency to GDPR and AI---

By maya | Blocksparks | 8 Mar 2019


We talk a lot about how the blockchain is tamper-evident and censorship-resistant. But what does this mean for the data it holds? How will we have to rethink the way we share, disclose and commodify data – whether that’s our personal data or information about things which affect us? With powerful new regulation in Europe in 2018, including a mandatory ‘right to be forgotten’, these are important issues for every consumer to consider and understand.

And we’re delighted to have with us to discuss this, Roxana Nasoi  –

Roxana is an advocate for Community + Technology, with 10 years of experience in online business, data analytics, and marketing. Former Elance & Upwork ambassador (2012-2018). Currently CCO at Aimedis B.V. and co-host at The Cryptolaw Podcast & Nothing at Stake Podcast. Member of the European AI Alliance and core team member at World Ethical Data Forum.

She has worked in blockchain since 2015, and her work with Aimedis involves processing lots of very sensitive medical data – and offering patients a very different relationship to it, in terms of value and control. A completely changed paradigm from the likes of Facebook, where you never truly own your data, never mind decide what to do with it.  A really interesting conversation, spanning everything from blockchain application layer risks to the potential use of deep learning AI to make sense of legally compliant privacy policies. No wonder there are so many interesting career paths and opportunities in blockchain as a result.

Keep up with Roxana’s work here:

Medium: https://medium.com/@roxanasoi

Twitter: https://twitter.com/roxanasoi

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roxananasoi

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roxana.nasoi

company website: https://aimedis.com/


Crypto Alphabet: K is for KYC

Just like banks, crypto exchanges need to ‘know their customer’ – that’s you. How does this sit with the idea of anonymous peer-to-peer exchange of value? And how much regulation is the trade-off for adoption and market growth?

Learn all about the mysteries of ‘Know Your Customer’ legislation, in today’s crypto alphabet section.

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Maya Middlemiss is the CEO and lead writer at BlockSparks


BlockSparks are the marketing communications specialists for the blockchain space - sharing news, information, and trends, about cryptocurrency and blockchain startups worldwide

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