Cryptocurrency Mining with Argo Mining

By maya | Blocksparks | 11 Jan 2019

On the Crypto Confidence Podcast today I’m talking to Felicity Feinman from ArgoMining

So many of our listeners are curious about crypto mining so Felicity joins us to explain more about that, about what ArgoMining are doing and how anyone can get involved.

Follow ArgoMining on their social media such as TwitterFacebookLinkedIn and Instagram and of course you should visit their website if you want to get started in crypto mining.

Crypto Alphabet:

H is for hashing (and hashrate and hash power)

This is a great fit with today’s theme about mining, and because hash is one of those terms you’ll hear bandied around the crypto mining community a lot, specifically cryptographic hash algorithms.

These algorithms are what keeps the bitcoin network and other networks secure, they’re the very building blocks of the cryptocurrency economy. Listen all the way to the end of this podcast to learn more about hashing.

If you like what you hear, we’ll be sharing new episodes every fortnight. So please subscribe via your podcast app of choice.

Keep in touch with us on Facebook at Crypto Confidence, and the official BlockSparkspage too.  Tweet us with your questions, or email [email protected]

We also have a new Telegram group, for all things crypto – come and chat! (if you’re new to Telegram don’t worry, it’s just another messaging app, and very easy to get started with)

Want to get started buying your first cryptocurrencies? We recommend Local Coin Swap, and Coinbase– these links help support the show.

And remember: nothing in this podcast or our related social media, nor anything else published by BlockSparks OU at any location, is intended as financial, investment or trading advice. Everything we share represents our personal opinions, for your information, education, and entertainment only. You should not make any decisions based on anything we share with you, not without undertaking independent due diligence and consultation with appropriate professional advisors.  CryptoConfidence is all about being smart and informed and making the right choices for YOU.

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Maya Middlemiss is the CEO and lead writer at BlockSparks


BlockSparks are the marketing communications specialists for the blockchain space - sharing news, information, and trends, about cryptocurrency and blockchain startups worldwide

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