Ripple hires special advisor to work with Government

BIG News: XRP to be welcome by the USA Government ?

By CryptoPk | Blockchaintech | 6 Apr 2020

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse also way to believes that XRP can be adopted by the USA government in the near future. Its also being discussed to digitize the economy under the new world order after the pandemic of CoronaVirus being spread easier through FIAT paper Currencies. 

Ripple CEO about the future of XRP

Steven Mnuchin while answering questions about the USA government which can adopt XRP cross border payments with minimal cost of transactions and 15,000 Transaction per second capability of Ripple Network. Due to the properties of Ripple type Crypto, and the benefits of zero cost of sending cross border payments around the globe, the USA government can brace for it or any other Digital Currency anytime soon. 

It's being discussed on many blogs and social media platforms about the Rise of Ripple once again after the wave of 2017 in which ripple has gained more than 36,000% (the highest among the cryptocurrency at that time). However due to the centralized properties of ripple on blockchain many investors are hesitated to adopt and to invest in it. 

In terms of the speed of transactions per second, EOS, and TRX (TRON) is competing for ripple and has the advantage of decentralization. But Ripple is Currency of Blockchain, others are internet of things on blockchain. 

I suggest you not to invest from your pocket instead of from your savings while considering Ripple type currencies for long term profit. 

always mention the famous quote:

Do not invest what you cant afford to loose

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