Banano's Jungle TV Faucet Review

What's Banano?

Banano is a decentralized meme network. Fast, fee-less and secure. It is being distributed by the devs fairly, with contests and giveaways.

What's a Faucet?

A faucet is a great way of testing a crypto network like Banano, you give your address and the faucet will send you some real amount, usually some fraction of a coin. The first faucet was created by Gavin Andresen and gave 5 BTC per captcha solved. Community users can send the faucet address some coins to keep the faucet working if it depletes.

It's a great way to start and to promote a network, in this case the Banano Faucet has a unique way of working that is absolutely the future of video consumption. I can't help but wonder Youtube engineer's looking around this website and thinking damn that's the next big thing.


How does the Jungle TV work?

It's truly amazing. You connect your BAN address (Kalium recommended) and then you just watch youtube videos and earn Banano while doing so. You have to remain active in the chat or completing a captcha every 5 minutes.

The system is revolutionary: a Youtube playlist in real time queue of videos is made by bids (people who want you to watch their selected Youtube video next) so the payout after each video ends depends on the demand for queue space.

Try it and leave your comment to support this amazing initiative!

Here is the URL for Jungle TV:

Jungle TV


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