KOGs on WAX Trailer Now Live

Collection Teasers Revealed


With less than 24 hours to go until the big sale, the KOGs on WAX team just released a new video showcasing some of the collections.

FOMO seems to be high with this one, especially due to its unlimited nature. Unlike Garbage Pail Kids and Shatner and Blockchain Heroes, nobody has to worry about packs selling out.

More and more pieces came to light over the past week, and the video below displays some absolute gems.

Collections include:

  • Space Military

  • Cyberpunk

  • 8-Bit

  • '80s

  • '90s

  • Crypto

There's even an Ultra-Rare Satoshi Nakamoto Slammer!

Remember, apart from secondary markets, the ONLY way to put these 1st Edition NFTs in your WAX Cloud Wallet is to purchase them via the sale. The magic begins at 10 am EST on August 18 over on AtomicHub.

Don't be late and don't forget to put some $WAXP in your WCW in preparation for the main event!

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Blockchain, Crypto, & AI
Blockchain, Crypto, & AI

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