UAE's Crypto Scene Boosted: Standard Chartered to Offer Bitcoin Custody in Dubai

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 13 Sep 2024

Standard Chartered have announced that will start service of custody of Bitcoin and other crypto assets in their branch of Dubai. The $800M financial institution spread across Africa, Middle East, Asia, America and Europe plans to bring direct to customers a secure form custody their decentralized assets.

The license was granted by the UAE authority and the Standard Chartered branch in Dubai will be first to offer the service due to their approach on the adoption of decentralized currencies in the location. UAE have a force in the Middle East when it comes to adopt cryptocurrencies and use them in real-life situations.

Few weeks ago, the same Bank in UAE partnered with to allow users who have accounts on their bank to deposit and withdraw money from the platform and vice-versa. This isn't their solo play, as a judge in UAE granted permission to workers to receive their salary in crypto, as long both parties agrees to do that.

Overall, this new service provided by Standard Chartered Bank in UAE will give an impulse on clients who "love" to give third part control over their assets to choose the option. Me in particular, no thanks, I still prefer my own personal storage in a non custodial wallet. Remember:


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