Sony's Next Big Hit: Soneium and Sony Bank Launch Japan's First Yen Stablecoin!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 12 Sep 2024

Ethereum layer-2 project, Soneium from Sony Electronics one of the major Japan brands and worldwide multibillionaire company, is set to partner with Sony Bank to launch a Japanese Yen Stabelecoin.

Both brands, Soneium and Sony Bank are part of the Sony group and partnering together will open a new chapter on the Sony domain story. Soneium is set to be a blockchain that is focused in building web3 tools such as entertainment, gaming and financial Apps which the hand of Sony Bank can be poised to be a powerful name in the industry connecting traditional market to decentralized industry.

Launching a Japanese Yen Stabelecoin will not also grant them a strong position in the Japanese banking market also giving confidence users that are product made in Japan can be used by the world most notorious people. Recently major banks in Japan announced that will use stablecoins to settle cross border transactions. Seeing Soneium and Sony Bank want to partner to launch their Japanese Yen Stabelecoin is definitely on the agenda having in mind that banks in Japan will use them to settle international payments.

This is a milestone on the history of Sony in Japan and in the World, as one of the most powerful electronics brand in the country am decided to launch a layer-2 blockchain, launching a Japanese Yen stablecoin poised to be a major brand in web3 and traditional financial sector. Eagerly waiting to see what Soneium is planning to offer to the world. Remember:


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