Feds’ Digital Dollar Rejected! North Carolina Bans CBDC to Protect Privacy!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 16 Sep 2024

North Carolina is challenging the status quo in U.S denying to launch or test a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), after approving a law that will practical ban it on their state. According to the law a CBDC is against privacy and people sovereign and they won't allow it to be launched or tested within their borders.

The state is practical saying to the Feds, "we don't want your bulls**t of central bank digital currency" in here, as we don't believe in digital dollars.

It's interesting to see a U.S state to deny a digital dollar, a blockchain innovation and using "privacy and sovereign of people" as their reasons. Many countries around the world have been researching to develop their CBDC and more than 149 nations are making efforts in the field being until now, Bahamas the most notable country to launch it officially.

India, China, Ghana, United kingdom and many others; are developing their digital central currency but, North Carolina (a state, in U.S) doesn't want nothing to do with it as a payment method and deny even the feds to test it on their borders. This is the beauty of U.S, as even being a unified country of states many or them have their own laws and rules independent from the federal government. Remember:


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