ETFs Are Hungry for Bitcoin—Are You Holding Enough?

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 2 Oct 2024

The latest day of September, registered an impressive 968 Bitcoin being bought and 301 ETH among all ETFs. This in USD value represent more than 61 million dollars being invested in the market and $800,000 being flushed out in ETH.

Insane volume also where registered with an astonishing $1.05B getting seen on deals on the Exchange Traded Funds products.

Why keep sharing this information with you?

Bitcoin is being bought in tons by spot ETFs in US and people are driving those investments as no spot Bitcoin product would put money into something that doesn't have value. So, if you are eagerly desiring a good financial future, is time to check out some Bitcoin (not a financial advice, just a common sense), as the more this giants corporations are buying, the more the price will go up.

Ethereum still access compared with Bitcoin (and with more usecase in Defi) and people should Lock on this too. Again, not a financial advice, but it worth trying! I, prefer to hold this assets in a non custodial wallet where I control my keys and anytime can have access on them. Remember:

"Be smart".


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