Brave in Africa: why people need it in the African society.

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 11 Aug 2020

Africa have been growing a lot in knowledge and adoption of cryptocurrencies across the planet and the COVID-19 crisis brought more curiosity about decentralized assets and Blockchain tools that could increment passive income helping somehow to pay the bills on the continent. The continent majority is composed by young people who lately have increased presence online due to many factors such as unemployment with led to a more accurate way to find immediate solutions to relief them for urgent bills and basic needs.

Brave usability on the continent have been increasing, with many people downloading the app most because the rewards program offered by the Team, that is actually good sign but also stand some questions about the effective way to benefit from the browser that all. Many of this fellow citizens just incorporate the use of this important tool because most know about earnings in BAT tokens, the native asset from the surfing tool but don't embrace the all tool.

They barely understand that Brave isn't just a regular browser but a blockchain surfing tool which grant a web experience more smoothly and secure than other ones. The surfing on Brave not only secure from interference from the third parties trying to steal valuable data also speed up the web and reduce the cost of data bundle with software dedicated to it. It's a whole new innovative and highly recommended blockchain tool.

Of course the need from money increased the numbers of fans on the continent but something that could be even more interesting was to see a division of Brave Inc on the continent.

Knowledge is everything and the ones who could implement it on the African continent will earn a lot from their efforts, the people are opened to learn adopt and embrace it on this lands but the gab on data needed to fulfil that is a big challenge, of course guys like me will always deliver the basics to use it in Africa to my neighborhood and closest friends but that is a tiny part of what 1.2 B people could do!

Brave Browser is a popular Blockchain tool but with a lot to show in the African market which need Team efforts to expand it on the continent, and I am willing to see this happening, not just because of the rewards program (that is a very nice one) also because it's time people realize that each action o net must be paid.

Stay tuned for more Cryptocurrency & Blockchain news, don't forget to download Brave Browser to protect your privacy also earn passive income watching non intrusive ads, subscribe for more.

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