How Expensive Is It to Build a House? | 4chan greentext

By Biz Wisdom | Biz Wisdom | 15 Jul 2024

How expensive is it to build a house? What about a cottage or cabin? I'm 25 and have a net worth of about 130k. I don't have debt and I'm American.  Can I take a couple of carpentry and electrician classes and just start building some rudimentary dry cabins in the woods and selling them? Is this stupid? How much could the legal stuff realistically cost? 


They can sue you for more than 130k, believe me. You have building codes and permits to worry about and depending on your locale, you might run into countless legal roadblocks from the county and even state government. Obviously you'd have to buy the land first.


If you want to get big, you need to think bigger. The hard part isn't having the money, the hard part is getting the permits to build and being approved after to live in it if the...


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