Chiropractor = High-Paying Career? | 4chan greentext

By Biz Wisdom | Biz Wisdom | 22 Jan 2024

is being a chiropractor a profitable career?


I do know but it's a good way to get some random white woman's poopy flakes off her thong and onto your already stinky Cheeto fingers.


My wife is a chiropractor and she always comes home sore yes, but similar to massage therapy, it involves having to touch and interact with gross people all day.


Out of all the BS pseudoscientific stuff out there, why is chiropractic scene is so much more legitimate than the rest? What is so good about their marketing and how can we learn from them?


Chiro is not evidence-based chiropracty was invented by a traveling charlatan who used dousing rods. This message is brought to you by physical therapy gang.


My chiro had it going on. Back when I was a gym rat, he drove a beamer, hot wife, kids and a sprawling home, Etc. He probably wasn't rich or anything, but def upper class.


I 100% believe it's the tiny hats crapping on chiropractors to protect big Pharma. I had neck pain so bad I couldn't turn my head left....



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Biz Wisdom
Biz Wisdom

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