Fold App makes it easy to spend Bitcoin; Get 20,000 Satoshis for simply joining (you can join anonymously as well); Spend bitcoin at Amazon, Uber, Starbucks, and more!

By | Bitcoinz News | 29 Sep 2019

Who doesn't like me some Free Bitcoin?  

What better way to get earn free bitcoin than to get free bitcoin while spending bitcoin?

One of the biggest issues we have in the crypto space adoption is the usage of crypto in day-to-day lives.  That is why the adoption is taking longer than it should have, given the amazing benefits.  

Fold App is making it easy to spend bitcoin in the real world, every day.  They are offering option to spend bitcoin at brand name stores like Amazon, Starbucks, Macy's, and many more using bitcoin.  Users receive instant cash-back in satoshis.

Their site claims that you can "get up to 20% cashback in bitcoin when you shop at Amazon, Uber, Target and many more!"

Not only that, if you join the program (without spending a dime), you immediately get 20,000 satoshis.  We tried this and it took us literally 30 seconds to join and we joined anonymously to check out the option.  

Fold App recently raised over 2.5 million dollars to further their efforts to make bitcoin spending an every day reality.  

Once you create your account, you simply go into the cards section to buy your favorite store card.  You will have about 15 minutes to complete the 'purchase' using bitcoin.  


You also have the option to send the card as a gift through Twitter.

Get your 20,000 satoshis by using this link.

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