Davinci Jeremie is selling his home to buy bitcoin, for real!

By CryptoTapas.com | Bitcoinz News | 13 May 2020

Davinci Jeremie is a guy who a lot of us wish knew long time back.  In fact, he has been pounding about bitcoin and gold for 9 years now.  He has been pounding the table asking people to buy $1 worth of bitcoin.

He has since been pushing for bitcoin's future.

What is fascinating is that he has been calling a Million dollar bitcoin long time before the recent bulls.  And he said 'Bitcoin will go to a  million dollars and will crash down to around $100,000.  

As can be expected, he is a big bitcoin bull.  However, he sent ripples this week when he declared that he is going to sell his home to buy bitcoins.


While a lot of comments revolved around why would Davinci need to sell his house when he is an early adopter, etc., etc.,  

I personally believe, he is making a move ahead of the market which might see a big downturn which some are calling a recession while others are calling a total depression.  Either way, it might impact the real estate by a lot and given that Davinci has been tracking the bitcoin and gold market for close to a decade now, I believe he is making the move based on his own analysis.

He put out a video on YouTube today calling for a $1.2 Million Bitcoin in the next 12 to 18 months.


We wish Davinci and other crypto bulls all the very best.  DYOR and make wise choices.

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