
Four Interesting Things About is a bounty-style "crowd-wisdom" and "idea validation" platform, via which users offer feedback to projects and businesses, in addition to performing small micro-tasks such as sharing Twitter posts, in exchange for crypto rewards.  Either in's native token "YUP", a featured projects own token, or both.  Regular Publish0x users may have read the recent interview with Crowdholding's CEO, Ethan Clime, published right here on Publish0x by fellow 0x'er, Cyril - which is currently riding high in the popular posts section.   With a growing number of other great posts regarding Crowdholding having also been posted on Publish0x, such as: 3 Things I Like About Crowdholding, by Xoljien.  

But with this post I'd like to share with you four alternative points of interest regarding Crowdholding.  To add a little easily digestble flavour for those who might be taking a deeper dive into the project...

High on Revain

Over at Revain, the 50 million dollar plus valued blockchain reviews platform, Crowdholding sit among strong company in terms of their ranking.  Nestled between Binance Coin (BNB) and OmiseGo (OMG) - holding strong as the eleventh highest ranked platform reviewed by Revain users.  Keeping your users happy is imperative for the continued success of any crypto project.  And clearly Crowdholdings' users are pleased with their experience thus far.  Something that is indicative of a strong future for


Solid on StateoftheDapps

While still with some room to grow, over on, Crowdholding has been registering increasing growth (something I expect to continue).  Even out-ranking some arguably better known projects, such as Loom Network, and even VeChain.  

The Google Connection

Google are without any doubt one of the most successful tech companies ever - and in addition to's co-founder, Aleks Bozhinov having been a former Google business manager, and bringing to the project all of the skills that you might imagine that would, the Crowdhlding team were also part of Google's developer launchpad accelerator program.  Needless to say that having mentorship from the likes of Google can also bring a lot to a project...


The Henry Ford Philosophy

Another interesting point of note regarding is that the team built the platform around the ideas of Henry Ford of Ford Motors - who wanted (though the idea was subverted by investors) to give back his company's dividends to his employees.  Believing that rewarding your workers first-and-foremost is the best way to create a successful and growing company.  A vision also shared by the Crowdholding team.  By completing tasks on users are able to earn both YUP tokens, and a variety of tokens from other projects.  With Crowdholding users even being able to earn a share of the platforms revenue, by holding YUP tokens.

Earning YUP is relatvely easy, though those who put more effort into their contributions receive greater rewards, and with a little work you can quickly grow a nice stack of YUP tokens.  Which you can either sell via exchanges such as IDEX, or hold in hope of higher prices in the future, or for receiving dividends.  

If you're not yet signed up to Crowdholding and earning free crypto, you can join up HERE.  Or alternatively why not come and join the Telegram community HERE - the more the merrier...

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