Splinterlands - Splinterbites provide so much knowledge and are so easily overlooked

By Behiver | behiver | 27 Nov 2024

When seeking enemies, Splinterlands offers some words of wisdom in the form of Splinterbites. If you pay attention to those you will improve your gameplay and have a new perspective on many aspects of the game. If you ignore them, you will might perish from the void of knowledge that you are missing.


Splinterbites take different shapes and I could distinguish few different categories. I went through and selected some that I have enjoyed quite a bit and I will leave down below a list where you could grab all the knowledge on them. I've selected just three Splinterbites from each category as an example and to tease you upon paying more attention on them.

Strategy bites

  1. Use the best team for the job, regardless of the mana cap. Sometimes a 25 mana team can win a battle that has a 99 mana cap.
  2. Blind reduces the accuracy of melee and ranged attacks by 15%... unless the attacker has True Strike.
  3. Divine Shield absorbs all damage... except poison damage.

Tokenomics and trading bites

  1. It's easy to buy Credits if you link an external wallet, so be sure to link yours!
  2. When you win, you win Glint & Splintershards (SPS), but when you lose, all you lose is a bit of pride.
  3. Check out the Splinterlands NFT marketplace at splintertalk.io/nfts.

Gameplay and ruleset bites

  1. In the Noxious Fumes ruleset, Cleanse and Resurrect will remove poison for the rest of the battle, while units with Immunity won't be affected at all.
  2. In the Melee Mayhem ruleset, Sneak and Opportunity still take precedence. Try using summoners and units that increase or decrease melee power, a unit with armor in the first position, and abilities like Thorns, Demoralize, and Retaliate.
  3. In the Heavy Hitters ruleset, use more Stun!

Lore and storytelling bites

  1. Located in the desolate Drybone Badlands of the Wild Northeast, the Drybone Anarchists are notorious for ambushing travelers and raiding neighboring settlements for slaves and spoils. They dwell within a labyrinth of caves and tunnels known as Stonetown, at the center of which stands the Drybone Citadel.
  2. Carved into the imposing heart of the Central Fire’s Northern Agniavas, the Kingdom of Grimbardun is an absolute monarchy ruled by the royal clan of Grimbard and its High King or Queen, who exercise ultimate authority over all matters of governance.
  3. The Gobson Family is an organized criminal enterprise that operates within a strict hierarchical structure with a clear chain of command. Despite its name, its members are generally not related by blood. It controls the city-state of New Gobson in the Broken Lands’ Western Lowlands.

The full list of Splinterbites can be viewed at https://support.splinterlands.com/hc/en-us/articles/27282940822932-Splinterbites/
Image from thread

The battles in the Splinterlands are fierce and we need any advantage that we can get in order to be victories. We either learn things on our own the hard way, or we listen to the Splinterbites and get some words of wisdom. We are already waiting for the enemy, so why not grab some insight while doing so. The gameplay becomes so complex and we barely can keep up with it, so the information provided by Splinterlands can help us stand out. And this might be what makes the difference in the end.

Here you can Join Splinterlands as well and Fight the Good Fight: https://splinterlands.com?ref=sm-goldies

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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