We are... Banano Fans!

By BtcSapiens | BananoFans | 3 Jul 2019

Hi Publish0x! Some of you already know BtcSapiens, and of course, Banano (BAN) is one of the cryptos we are completely in love, so we have decided to create this new space in Publish0x, Banano Fans, here we will share original posts about this fast and nutritious crypto.

In the other blog, where we talk about blockchain in general, you can read some articles about Banano, but remember that the next articles about Banano will be shared exclusively in Banana Fans.


✰ Banano (BAN) as learning tool about blockchain for children
✰ Banano Faucet Coranos (Tutorial + BAN Cashout)
✰ Generate a unique monkey avatar with MonKeyGen from your $BANANO public key
✰ It's raining Banano (BAN) on Twitter!
✰ Introduction to Banano (BAN), the Nano´s funniest son
✰ Receive a small dose of potassium in MonkeyTalks (BANANO) every day


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News, resources, tutorials and memes about BAN from somewhere in BANANO Republic

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