'Black Monkey' BANANO Faucet Game Round 5 about to start! 24 hours only!

By banano | Banano | 28 Mar 2019

BANANO's popular faucet game 'Black Monkey' is will start its 5th round in about 1 hour! Starting time is March 28th, 9:00 am UTC. You'll be able to play 24 hours and earn free BANANO easily! Payouts will happen after round has ended. More information below. Enjoy playing!

Another popular BANANO faucet running right now is the BANANO Miner - read more here at Publish0x!


What the fork is BANANO?

For those of you who don't know BANANO yet: BANANO is a feeless, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology distrupting the meme economy. Yes, it's a memecoin that was forked in April 2018 from the cryptocurrency NANO. Apart from memes, BANANO is intuitive and easy to use, and BANANO transactions are feeless and near-instant. You can find lots of more details on our official website: banano.cc

Help getting started can be found on banano.how - It takes only few minutes to set up a BANANO wallet address.

BANANO is listed on Mercatox and Txbit.io so far. Current price is available here at Coingecko.

But BANANO has not only awesome tech and memes, it also has a slick mobile wallet (android and iOS) named Kalium (with monKeys, just get a wallet now and see how your's will look!) and a free ongoing distribution through innovative faucet games. Yes, you heard it right, Faucet Games that enable you to easily earn free BANANO. Now, you can play Black Monkey!


How to Play Black Monkey

MonKeys are visual account representatives in BANANO. Each monKey is unique and will represent your account. So it's good to get trained in recognizing also tiny differences. In Black Monkey, you'll need to find the one monKey that doesn't fit to the others.

Direct link to the game: https://blackmonkey.banano.cc/

You'll find a detailed "how to play" here (also available in other languages): https://blackmonkey.banano.cc/manual-en.html


This Black Monkey Round starts March 28 (Thursday) at 9AM UTC and will last for 24 hours only!

You will receive 1 BANANO (BAN) for each score after the game has ended.

We also have a profile view showing some cool stats about your play (previous rounds included), you can compare your achievements with your friends.

Game url: https://blackmonkey.banano.cc/


New feature in this round: The Night Mode! Enjoy!


Game already over? Coming to late?

If it's already after March 28/29 just head over to this Publish0x article to get an overview about other options to get free BANANO via faucet games and more. We have giveaways, airdrops and faucets running all the time, since BANANO has a free and fair ongoing distrubution. And lots of fun. And memes. You better have a look yourselves ;) Join some of our channels, we really like to tip others, and this is easiest at Reddit, Discord and Telegram. But we have giveaways in all channels ;)

Join the Banano republic!

$BANANO is a fee-less, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy.

Official Website: banano.cc 
Help getting started: banano.how

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BANANO is a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology to disrupt the meme economy.

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