Banano is now on Farcaster/Warpcast (100k BAN airdrop!)

By banano | Banano | 16 Feb 2024

Banano is now also on Warpcast, a client for the currently hyping decentralized social media protocol farcaster. Since the Banano Warpcast channel grew to 600+ members within a day after a small airdrop round 1, we're now doing a second bigger round! Read up how to join below!

How to join the airdrop:

  • You'll need a Warpcast account - if you don't have one yet, register first (mobile)
  • Once you are on Warpcast, set up your account and join the Banano channel /banano
  • Find the Banano airdrop round #2 cast/post and follow the instructions. Basically you'll need to join the channel and comment your Banano address.
  • Total prize pool is 100k Banano - you have time to join until Feb 19th, 2024
  • Rewards will be sent out shortly after, probably on Feb 20th
  • Enjoy! If you have any questions, memes, suggestions, post in the Banano channel there or speak up in any other Banano social media of your preference.

What is Farcaster/Warpcast?

You might have heard that Farcaster is a new decentralized social media protocol. Warpcast is one of the first popular clients using this protocol. One of the innovations of all this on top of the decentralized underlying protocol are frames - small apps and games connected to external content users can interact with without leaving the Warpcast app. To join the excitement, Banano is on there now too and has its own channel!

Note: If you get started by signing up at Warpcast on your mobile, there's a 5 USD fee for 1 year of data storage, at least when you're not located in the US. That's not ideal, the upside however is that there are lots less bots and scammers than on other social media platforms.

What the Fork is Banano?

Banano is a cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy. Banano has feeless and near-instant transactions, free & fair distribution, a highly active community, and active technical development!

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