Missing the gamer that I had inside me

By Bala | Bala | 24 Mar 2023

It has been a very long time since I played games. I used to be a regular gamer. Dota 2 and CS Go were my go-to games. I spent several days playing Dota 2 for about 12 hours a day and I remember it used to be so much of fun. Even recently I was playing a lot of mobile games and was having a lot of fun. Even now I play some games whenever I find time but not as good as how it used to be before.

I should say that ever since I started doing more development work, I started focused more on dev work than coding. I have my day job and apart from that I also do a lot of studying and have involved myself in more than 15 projects. Every day most of my time goes in either development calls or coding something. I should even say that my learning has also reduced a lot these days. I'm just implementing whatever I know already.



Dota 2 days

I remember that even after I joined Steem Hive back then, I used to play Dota 2 and there were a few gamers on Hive as well. I remember playing some matches with them. When I had my desktop with me 5 years, I used to play Dota 2 a lot and later when I bought my laptop, I did not play much because of heating issues and I was worried about not spoiling my laptop because I bought it especially to do more coding than gaming.

I remember that during weekends I used to sit for 18 hours in one shot and play the game. Every game takes nearly an hour or even more than that at times. If I quit the game in between, it used to flag me and not let me play the next game or set me to a cooldown. The algorithm was very strict. Thankfully I never was in a cooldown. Those were some amazing days.

Today something made me think that I should have been in that wonderful life only. Today life is going well but those were fun days and I used to have lots of friends in Dota 2. We used to call people together and do a match together. I believe those friends are still playing the game regularly and wish to join them someday.



I want to get back to gaming

One of my friends called me a few days back and asked me if we should be resuming our Badminton game. We used to play every day during the covid period. Later when we started going back to the office, it was hard to get back to playing. Now we have made plans to play badminton every weekend. Along with that, I have also been thinking about playing some games on my computer during the weekends. It is not going to be hard. I'm going to allocate only 3 hours for this. 2 hours for physical games and 1 hour for pc games.

Yesterday when I was checking my old hard disk, I found my favorite Hidden and Dangerous game. I was curious to go and check the price of the game on Steam. The price was only 279 Rs but I missed that opportunity. Now the price has increased back. I will wait for the next opportunity to see it go low and again purchase the game. 279 Rs is less than 5$ which is affordable for me.

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