Can crypto get better after Donald Trump?

By Bala | Bala | 6 Nov 2024

Trump's victory can mean a lot to crypto lovers. We can already see the price of BTC reaching a new all-time high, and some of the alt coins are also skyrocketing. Donald Trump is believed to be a crypto-friendly person, and there is a huge hope that the usage of cryptocurrencies might get better. A few years back, we had a very good time with altcoins, but last year, when BTC had a nice pump, the altcoins were not doing as great as expected.

The situation of altcoins can change after Donald Trump's come back. Crypto markets are pumping a good sign already and gradually if the altcoins also pick up, it will be great for the investors. There is a huge expectation on some of the altcoins. As usual, my only expectation is on Hive because most of my investments are on Hive and the only expectation is to see the price of Hive pumping and reaching 3 dollar value at least. So many competitive altcoins are reducing the value of some of the old ones.


One thing is very clear with this election result. Trump is very good at creating a lot of followers and he is also capable of having a good connection with his fellow followers. Sometimes the same becomes the criticism saying that he is focusing more on maintaining the relationship but usually misses achieving the goals. It is not very easy to evaluate the leadership skills of Donald Trump because it is complicated.

Crypto getting better after Donald Trump

It is very hard to predict if crypto will get better after Donald Trump. But many people are believing that it can get better. There are mentions that the SEC can have more people who will be favoring digital assets. The future is going to go more towards digital assets. I know many people predicted this surge and the market is also reacting very well to the news. Some crypto assets have improved in value. Hopefully, let's believe he takes crypto in the right direction so that we can enjoy a good bull market for altcoins as well, and not just BTC alone.

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