Hey, KeePassXC, why you no native GNU/Linux installer package?

Hey, KeePassXC, why you no native GNU/Linux installer package?

Some software (such as Base2 and KeePassXC) only runs on Mac or Windows. For everything else, there's GNU/Linux ...

All Your Base

In the case of Base (Mac OS X only), DB Browser for SQLite (sqlitedbbrowser) is an adequate replacement and is available for both GNU/Linux and Windows. I've been using it for years and have no complaints. It gets the job done.

AnyPass, KeePass and pass

Fortunately, KeePassXC happens to be open-source and uses Qt5, so, in theory, it should be possible to port it. What I don't understand, though, is why there isn't a binary release (or Debian package) for it. (It is available through snap, which I consider to be crap. KeePassXC on snap doesn't run on my machine.) Perhaps part of it relies on functionality that's only available on Windows or through MS Visual C++, but IDK. As far as I know, Visual Studio isn't available for GNU/Linux, either. If I can get the source for KeePassXC to compile using gcc, that's objective numero uno. If not, I'll have to learn C/C++ and how to create a Debian package, or maybe use flatpak (although I'm not fond of that, either).

I intend to do something about it not being available on GNU/Linux without requiring snap (including providing a TUI-based version if keepassxc-cli turns out to not be that, but it'll probably be the best place to start). Keeping up to date with additions and changes in future releases, as well as setting up an update channel with notifications of new releases for the fork, is a different matter entirely. (Maybe using flatpak might make that aspect easier.) Ah, so much to learn ...

I am aware that there are alternatives that already work on GNU/Linux. While AnyPass does understand the *.kdbx file format and works with KeePass DBs, it just doesn't look or feel quite the same to me. It's a bit of a poor relation, IMO. There's also the PGP-based pass (including GUI- and TUI-based versions, one of which uses urwid), but it lacks some of the features of KeePassXC (namely, the ability to add additional attributes to an entry). It also stores each entry in a separate encrypted file in an unencrypted directory hierarchy. I'm not sure I like that.

In short, there's no adequate GNU/Linux substitute for KeePassXC as it works on Windows. I intend to fix that problem, but I'll have to learn a few things first.

There are one or two other things I want to port or for which I intent to create alternatives, but KeePassXC is the main one that's keeping me from completely moving to GNU/Linux and completely abandoning Windows for good (id est, great justice).

How are you Microsoft?! All your base are belong to us!

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Great White Snark
Great White Snark

I'm currently seeking fixed employment as a S/W & Web developer (C# & ASP .NET MVC, PHP 8+, Python 3), hoping to stash the farmed fiat and go full Crypto, quit the 07:30-18:00 grind. Unsigned music producer; snarky; white; balding; smashes Patriarchy.

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