INTEL improving the future of Bitcoin

By avro | avroiphoneography | 4 Mar 2022

When Gaudí designed the Sagrada Familia, he was aware that the technology to finish his work did not exist, but as a good visionary, he trusted that at some point the construction technique would evolve, so that someone could finish it. More than a hundred years later, his dream can be fulfilled.

In the case of Bitcoin, I like to think something similar will happen.

When Satoshi Nakamoto devised his work, he knew that he was opening a door to financial freedom, but he was also aware that the world and technology were not yet up to the task.

Although BTC has been fully operational from day one, there are details that were not resolved. Without going into technical details, the most important is the high electricity consumption of its proof of work consensus protocol, since a simple transaction with Bitcoin consumes the same electricity as an average home in a week. A real barbarity, if we see it from the ecological perspective.

Despite what many may think, the solution to this problem does not go through the change to a more sustainable energy model, it will be solved when the technology is in accordance with the role that Bitcoin will play in the future.

It seems that news is beginning to emerge that invite optimism. Recently, INTEL has announced that at the end of this year it will begin to market its Blockchain Chip, with speed performance and energy savings 1000 times better than current graphics cards, which should change the crypto landscape completely.

A very hopeful and exciting end of the year is presented.

Thank you very much for your time.


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Architect, passionate about photography with iPhone and discovering the world through it, and a faithful believer in cryptos as well as investing in the stock market


In this blog you will find my vision of the world through the use of photography and video, made mostly with iPhone. I try to show the uniqueness of each country I visit, through its cities, its architecture, its urban planning, its public transport and its people. Architecture - Photography – iPhoneography - Travel

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