Thursday Update

By AtomCollector | AtomCollector | 6 Jun 2019



Weekly Prize Draw



We are pleased to announce a new weekly prize draw where you can have a chance to win $25 in crypto(BST) or $20 in cash(via PayPal).

To enter open a free account on and listen to SoundCloud tracks. For every 10 tracks you listen to you will receive 1 ticket into the draw.

The winning ticket will be chosen via a random number generator during our Radio Evolved LIVE! show on Sundays (at 20:00 BST, British Summer Time). You can watch the show on DLive where we also stream music videos and replays of previous shows 7 days a week.

Join us on Discord if you would like to know more.


MusicVoter (Steemit)


The aim is and always will be to support independent musicians so please spread the word by telling your musician friends to sign up to Steemit (and Narrative - see below) and join the cause! The more people that join us the more we can help and the quicker we grow.

And remember that I will sponsor those who delegate regularly (via @steembasicincome), even if it is only a small amount, so please try to do so (use this handy DELEGATION PAGE).


Thank you to everyone who has delegated and remember that you are in with a chance of getting sponsored by @SteemBasicIncome every time you delegate.

Whaleshares Update (Current Whalestake)

Screen-Shot-2019-06-06-at-12.23.24.png Update


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20% to author / 80% to me.
We pay the tips from our rewards pool.