A Pointless Gaming Video - MYSTORY Nr4

A Pointless Gaming Video - MYSTORY Nr4


A Pointless Gaming Video - MYSTORY Nr4

For Lack Of Reasons


Hello World, Hello Viewers!

Welcome to this new video, I have a great message for you!

This video is completely pointless but gaming.



#atmodepth, #fourthvideo, #gameplay


_______________ One Take Shot _______________

Destiny2 Gameplay


0:00 - FIRST: #hello


Hello World!

Welcome you amazing humanoids (if you are from space than hello you three fingered, grey, big eyed space beings).

I hope you did not expect something other than me making a very random and basically pointless gaming video! I feel like the randomness of this video made me feel free but also very digital and I feel like a hologram (whatever this means).

So I hope you enjoy the most edited one take shot video yet and hit all the buttons.


1:00 - ONETAKE: #video


As I have mentioned this is my first video in which I am attempting to shoot a one take shot but this will not be relevant for you because I will edit it anyway.

In this case I am writing this after I edited this video so I should say that I have edited it but you know what I man…

Or maybe not.


10:00 - TALKING: #speaking



So this video and blog post will contain some more random talking so feel free to reply with tons of comments even if you see this post in the future.

I also decided to improvise even more in this video so you might notice a little difference or not (which is more likely because I usually never use a real script).


15:00 - DESTINY: #gameplay


Of course I did again play the great designed game Destiny2 because I like to and I can.

Feel free to do something that helps me making better content so I can make more, get more views and become immortal…

Or at least invincible.


20:00 - GAMING: #entertainment


Here is also some gaming stuff. If you search for something relevant here…

Keep searching and tell me if you found it.

So I know where I did hide it.


25:00 - FINAL: #endgame


This is actually the ending of this post because I am not a novel writer so please feel free to watch my next video and stay alive so you can make me happy by existing.

If you know how to be funny please send me a message.

Ps. Please let me know if you have found my charisma, I think I might have lost it somewhere before I was born.

Yours Sincerely,



X - About Section: My Personal Area


These are unified compact lists of my links and tags!

Keywords: This Is Self Explainig If You Are Human Or Me

videogame, videospiel, destiny2, gameplay, newupdate, entertainment, onetakeshot, gaming, weird, edit

All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money)


All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money)



#youtuber, #gaming, #blogging, #fun, #entertainment, #creativity

#indiegamedev, #videos




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ATMODEPTH is an indie game developer, photographer, artist and blogger. Main creations are Indie games, photography, videos, music, art, tutorials and blogs. #indiegamedev, #photography, #videos, #music, #art, #tutorials, #blogging


ATMODEPTH is a video producer, gamer and independent game developer.

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