Is Crypto Becoming Centralized?

By Scott Cunningham | Tech And Things | 21 Oct 2022

Centralization is always a concern, but how do you stop it in crypto if it means mass adoption? The only tool we have is education. Let’s talk about the many ways the crypto industry is being centralized and what to do instead.

This is my 544th episode/article. I put a great deal of work into this content so if you find it valuable, please do like, share, comment and subscribe!

Let’s cover all the important crypto news happening lately and over 2022 to get a better view of the increasing acceleration of centralization within the crypto industry.

I believe this will likely be bullish for cryptocurrency in the short term, but in the long term, it will lead more people astray who opt for convenience over security and true ownership which is giving up quite a lot. Our job now is to educate people on why you need to do the extra work of trading crypto where you can withdraw and store it on a wallet that you solely have access to and own.

Stop leaving your crypto on exchanges and platforms. Avoid the temptation to get a crypto VISA or connect to your bank and provide KYC for everything. Even just linking your social accounts to your wallets for NFT clout is another easy way to subtly achieve a “KYC-lite”. Soon you’ll have to also avoid the temptation to buy it with your bank.

Do you see this as a large problem too? Is KYC as bad as I believe? Is this good or bad for crypto in the long run? Let me know what you think about this in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe!


*Disclaimer: This is not financial advice and is purely for entertainment purposes. What you see, hear, or read is my personal opinion, and any statements made are based on my views and should not be misconstrued as fact. My crypto portfolio may or may not be simulated*

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Scott Cunningham
Scott Cunningham

Host of Crypto & Things. Sharing my vision of the emerging #Web3 landscape & how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation with #AI & #blockchain. Links:

Tech And Things
Tech And Things

I am the host of Tech & Things and a social media blockchain enthusiast using what I believe to be the next level of social communication. Join me as I share my vision of the emerging Web 3.0 landscape and how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation of AI & blockchain technologies. Links:

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